犯罪と云う怪物を相手にする時は自らが怪物と化さぬよう気をつけねばならない。 闇を覗こうとする時 闇もまた君を見ていると云う事を心に留めておきたまえ。ー江戸川乱歩


Welcome to my little world!

While the username I use nearly everywhere is "Jitsuemon," you can also call me Miksa, Soren, Caine, or Mushi. None of those are my real name, of course, but they're the names of some of my OCs and personas. I am an artist and aspiring researcher/professor working on my MA degree in East Asian Studies.

My art will not be posted to this website, since I prefer for my art to posted on websites that allow for one to mark their posts as visible only to logged-in users. If you are interested in seeing my art, please click one of the links to the left (maybe SheezyArt or FurAffinity).

I will be posting my short stories here. Usually, these were written for classes, but eventually I'll post ones written for fun (and maybe even chapters from longer works!).

You will also find photos of and information about my collection of Japanese folk art, folk toys, and paper art! I have a massive collection of interesting things from Japan, such as kokeshi, daruma dolls, inari foxes, antique and vintage postcards, rare books, antique photos, and much more. Though this may take a while to set up (especially since my collection is in the United States, while I am in Canada for graduate school), I plan to include photos, translations of, and information about everything in my collection! Otherwise, I may also blog a little! :3

Thank you for visiting!