僕は孑孑君の傷を 蛆虫のように グチュグチュと啜る


(As if anyone cares...)

While the username I use nearly everywhere is "Jitsuemon," you can also call me Miksa, Soren, Caine, or Mushi. None of those are my real name, of course, but they're the names of some of my OCs and personas. I am a 25-year-old person from the United States, though I am currently in Canada while I pursue my MA degree in East Asian Studies. I am from a rural area, but I was raised as a vegetarian and went vegan in 2017 (though stereotypes suggest vegetarian children will rebel against their parents to eat meat, I ended up even stricter than my parents lmao). Despite coming from an area full of racists, sexists, and LGBT+phobes, I, thankfully, do not fuck with that shit! As such, I do not keep in contact with anyone from my area (aside from my parents, of course! c':).

Otherwise, I am an artist and aspiring researcher/professor. As you might have guessed, my academic (and, let's be honest, personal) interests reside in Japanese Studies, and more specifically, premodern Japanese Religious Studies. My main area of focus is Buddhist literature from the Heian and Kamakura periods, namely "setsuwa" (short, usually didactic tales that cover a wide range of topics, such as politics, proper sexual conduct, humor, Buddhist morality, strange encounters with "supernatural" beings, and so much more!). I typically research "setsuwa" that involve yokai (and other such creatures) and otherworlds. I've studied Japanese for around four years, and I can even read and translate classical Japanese fairly well!

As for my art, I usually draw feral animals and yokai, though I also like to draw anthros/furries and human/oids from time to time! I do both pixel and digital art and, while I can do some forms of traditional art, I rarely post that online. When I'm not exhausted from writing my thesis, I sometimes write short stories inspired by the "setsuwa" that I so often read.